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What are black Americans to Africans?

Personally, I don't mind the "exodus" of black Americans to Africa. I feel all people have the right to go where they want to be most. Growing up, I'd think black Americans were a lot better than us here in South Africa & in time grew disillusioned & realised they were just as miseducated & persecuted as us black people in South Africa. 

In truth, only a handful of people from South Africa's indigenous people were taken in the Transatlantic Slave Trade. The few that were taken were maybe taken to the Netherlands, maybe Suriname & maybe England. I doubt that there were any slaves from southern Africa taken to the New World excepting a few Tsonga / Chopi taken to Brazil, Uruguay & greater South America & maybe the Caribbean. The overwhelming majority of slaves from the Americas descend from people on the west African coast (i. e. Kingdom of Congo, Cameroon, Angola, Nigeria, Ghana, Benin etc.). Those that went to South America were mostly from Congo, Cameroon, Angola & some Mozambican. The most famous group, those that were taken to North America & the Caribbean were mostly from Ghana & Nigeria. So as a South African, I can say I share very little DNA with "African Americans" despite being black. Kenyans, Sudanese, Ethiopians, Tanzanians & Somalians were not taken in the Transatlantic Slave Trade either so they too are less related to black Americans than even the English in many cases. 

I don't see black Americans as better or lesser people. They are wealthier on average because of the lands they live in but I don't think they are more intelligent or more athletic than any African nations. They are more knowledgeable of the world because the USA seeks to be the centre of the world but I don't think they are better than, for example, Burundi genetically or otherwise. 

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