Alright, in my previous blog I mentioned a white & Indian exodus in South Africa. We already joke about white people leaving South Africa for Australia, England or Canada & finding the going tough then coming back to South Africa but what if they were to go to a country where everything would be comfortable for them & they would forget about South Africa. What would become of South Africa?
Farmers: We're led to believe that the majority of farmers in South Africa are white so that vaccum would have to be filled & frankly, I don't think the current crop of black farmers can fill the void so we may have to buy food from elsewhere in the world so food prices may increase more than they already have.
Skills exit: Some may claim a skills exit in South Africa would leave a vacuum that would be filled by indigenous black professionals & while that may be true, they'll need to obtain the experience that the former non-black people had.
No racism: There would ultimately be less racism if the non-black people in South Africa left. There may be some tribalism but that's just always existed long before the non-black population of South Africa arrived.
Conclusion: Look, I am not racist but when I look at the racism & inequality in South Africa, I immediately notice what the problem is. A foreign population is in charge of an indigenous people's land. This may not seem like a big thing to outsiders but it definitely is to indigenous people of South Africa & it has been a constant fight between colonialists & indigenous people of South Africa since 1652. So I have nothing against the white population of South Africa & would love for them to get their own farms in the Ukraine or elsewhere outside Africa but the inequality & racial differences have become too stark to ignore & after separation, hopefully, further in the future, wounds would heal & we'd stop hating each other so much when we are separated by land & sea.