After studying the plight of black people around the world for many years, I've frequently asked myself what could be done to aid our impoverished black societies worldwide in a meaningful & unifying manner. I know some black societies are better off than others so I'm going to be basic & stick to well-known fundamentals that combine on a micro & macro scale to form sustainable lands. I'm from South Africa (KZN) so some of my ideas & solutions will be from the perspective of a South African from southern KZN.
Chris Rock's "Black people vs. Niggers" was in 1996 but still is relevant today. This is a class or age thing, not about who's "blacker". Younger/poorer people often act crazy & recklessly while older/wealthier people usually act more calm & sensibly.
There is a "Black people vs. Niggers" in all societies in the world because not everyone appreciates loud, violent, ignorant people. We've failed to establish homogenous norms in a nation that promote human & societal development so if deviant subcultures appear, they're easily dealt with.
You must understand the sociology behind this to get why certain groups are the way they are to fix it.
Also, sociology & history go hand-in-hand. You need to understand the history of a group to understand why they're the way they are today.
Behavior (deviant or conformist) also just depends on individual parenting styles & how parents raise their kids regardless of age, class or wealth. Unfortunately, traumatized societies usually lack stable individuals to raise stable kids though, this is where the nanny state comes in.
Traumatized/impoverished societies often do need "nanny states" or social democratic states to create stability & balance (through thought-out control measures of society) because with capitalist or individualistic policies in traumatized/impoverished societies, you get Cidade de Deus type scenarios where everyone is just trying to survive even by illegal means. There is only so much a religious foundation can help in when the devil is providing the solutions to daily life.
Traumatized/impoverished societies need a) comprehensive school systems where they'll be taught how to be adults & functioning members of the land, b) post-school system programmes (sport, technical college & other career skills), c) housing plans & d) incentives for various important industries (e. g. food & water security, health & education). All these need to be collectivised due to the fact that such societies are hindered & rendered incapable of doing such for themselves.
Thereafter, when we have created functioning lands, we can define who we are in the world through our languages & cultural practices rather than promote miserable & malnourished identities. Lands we could be proud of & that can hold their own in the face of the threats the world holds.